Hawaiian Mai Tai

  • Ingredients:
  • 3 tablespoons (1.5 oz.) Captain Morgan's® Parrot Bay coconut or mango rum
    ~ OR ~
    Cruzan® pineapple (light) rum

  • 1 tablespoon (½ oz.) Bacardi's® Gold (dark) rum

  • ¾ oz. Triple sec (use ½ tablespoon 3 times)

  • ¾ oz. Grenadine (use ½ tablespoon 3 times)

  • 3 oz. Dole® pineapple juice

  • 3 oz. orange juice (shaken, no pulp)

  • 1 Maraschino cherry
    (you can substitute the Grenadine with the juice from this jar...it's the same)

  • Preparation:
  • All ingredients should be chilled prior to mixing (especially the fruit juices)

  • Use a measuring cup for the fruit juices (3 oz. + 3 oz. = 6 oz. together)

  • Stir in a large glass (capable of holding 20 oz.)
    w/1 cup (8 oz.) crushed ice with a thin, black (cocktail) straw

  • Mix all ingredients together & garnish with the Maraschino cherry...

~ Serve & enjoy! ~