Wolf Eyes


STORY      OF      ALL


Blood Bar

In the mid-1800s, a Swiss gentleman, Mr. Thomas, went with a friend of his on a walking tour of some mountains in Germany.
For several days they were delighted with the snow-topped peaks, lofty forests, flowery meadows, and cozy villages of the region.
Late one afternoon, however, Thomas' friend, whose name is Sam, slipped on a rock and twisted his ankle.
They were far from any town, and night was beginning to fall on the forest.
Poor Sam was unable to walk.
He urged Thomas to leave him and go in search of help.
Thomas didn't like the idea of leaving his friend alone, but there did not seem to be much choice in the matter.
He set out through the woods, hoping to find a wood-cutter's hut.
Once or twice he thought he heard wolves howling, which made him hurry along the path.
But he met no one, until suddenly he came to a small clearing in the trees.
The moon was now shining brightly.
There in the clearing sat a man who seemed to be in pain.
Thomas hurried over and asked whether he could help him.
"I'd be most grateful for some help", answered the man.
"You see, I fear I broke my wrist while I was gathering wood for my fire, and I can't seem to bandage it with just one hand..."

Devil Bar


Thomas did his best for the injured wrist.
He explained how he happened to be alone in the forest at night.
"Why, how lucky", said his new friend, who gave his name as Fred.
"My cottage is only a short way from here."
"We will go there at once, and I will send my daughter back with you."
"She is young and strong and can help you with your friend."
"You will both spend the night with us, of course, and whatever we have is yours."
"But since you are a stranger here," Fred went on, "I wonder whether you know what sort of place you have found yourself in?"
"Why, no", answered Thomas, "Only that it must be a lucky place for me to have met such a kind and helpful host."
"Ah," replied Fred, laughing, "It is luckier than you think."
"Any stranger who comes here by moonlight is given two wishes."
"I know you will say that is nonsense, but I have seen strange things happen in this forest."
"Well", said Thomas, laughing in his turn, "I suppose if I could have my wish, it would be for my dear wife to be here, so that she could see how beautifully I have bandaged your wrist."
"And the children, too."
"They would be frightened if she suddenly disappeared and left them alone at home in Switzerland..."

The Gates of Hell

Devil bar

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